



Celebrate The Epiphany Feast In Rome: Piazza Navona Market and Events

Events & Exhibitions in Rome

On the night between January 5th and 6th, everyone looks up to welcome the arrival of Italy’s most famous old lady. Among the oldest traditions in Italy, especially in the Eternal City, every year attracts people of all ages to the historic setting of Piazza Navona. Amidst scents, colors, and music, in the square filled with stalls, the Befana will arrive on her broom, ready to distribute sweets and gifts.

This concludes this month of festivities, which Rome experienced through events, exhibitions, and markets. Dozens of stands were present in the square, from artisans selling nativity figurines to decorations, from delicacies to typical regional products.

In addition to the traditional event on January 6th with the arrival of the Befana, the Eternal City is gearing up to bid farewell to the magic of Christmas in the upcoming weekend with numerous appointments dedicated to the youngest ones.

Events for children aged 2 to 4 years:

Friday, January 5th: Once upon a time at the Casina delle Civette in Villa Torlonia. Introduction to History and Art for the Little Ones.

Saturday, January 6th: Baby Treasure Hunt at the National Roman Museum at the Baths of Diocletian. Introduction to History and Art for the Little Ones.

Sunday, January 7th: Baby Treasure Hunt at the Ara Pacis. Introduction to History and Art for the Little Ones. Special Sunday at the Museum; Baby Safari at the Civic Zoology Museum. Introduction to Biodiversity for the Little Ones. Special Sunday at the Museum.

Events for children aged 4 to 11 years:

Friday, January 5th: From Ancient Rome to Baroque Rome. Educational Treasure Hunt at Piazza Navona. Guided Tour and Activities.

Saturday, January 6th: From Ancient Rome to Baroque Rome. Educational Treasure Hunt at Piazza Navona. Guided Tour and Activities.

Sunday, January 7th: Exploring the Roman Forum. Guided Tour and Educational Activities in the Archaeological Area. Special Sunday at the Museum; Discovering the Capitoline Museums. Guided Tour and Educational Activities. Special Sunday at the Museum.

Photo credits: @Gretabeta64 onTripadvisor